From: "Stefan Stuntz" 
Date:   Sun, 17 Mar 1996 22:13:20 +0100
X-Mailer: IntuiNews 1.3b Beta 7 (2.2.96)
Subject: Re: MUIA_ShowMe
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Kai Hofmann wrote in article <>:

> > > > I can only repeat myself. MUIA_ShowMe suxx badly, especially using this
> > > > thing anywhere in Setup/Cleanup is *not* recommended. Better
> > > > ADDMEMBER/REMMEMBER object before dsm in setup/after dsm in
> > > > cleanup.
> > >
> > > Will this be fixed in a next release?
> >
> > It suxx badly, please dont use it, neither with MUI 3.3 nor with MUI
> > 10.27. ADDMEMBER/REMMEMBER is always the better solution. Why cant you
> > believe me?
> There are many good reasons to use MUIA_ShowMe, if I can't use it, it would
> increase my code and its complexity very much.

It would not. You can simply have an invisible page of a page group
somewhere which holds the objects you remove somewhere else.

Greetings, Stefan

From: "Stefan Stuntz" 
Date:   Tue, 05 Mar 1996 18:21:06 +0100
X-Mailer: IntuiNews 1.3b Beta 5 (3.1.96)
Subject: Re: MUIA_ShowMe important question!
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Kai Hofmann wrote in article <>:

> - It would be a great think if layout recalulation would only be done by
>   MUIM_Group_ExitChange ond NOT by each single MUIA_ShowMe while staying in
>   the group change mode.

Thats how its intended to work.

Greetings, Stefan

From: "Stefan Stuntz" 
Date:   Tue, 12 Mar 1996 11:59:44 +0100
X-Mailer: IntuiNews 1.3b Beta 7 (2.2.96)
Subject: Re: Group class - unexpected behaviour
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Kai Hofmann wrote in article <>:

> But weired things happen now:
> Buttons are missed - the layout no longer has 7 columns, sometimes there are
> only 4 buttons (one per row) and sometimes there is no button.

You can only show/hide complete rows/columns. Hiding one child of a
row/column hides the complete row/column. Furthermore, MUIA_ShowMe has a
few other problems sometimes that have not been solved yet.

> Stefan, why the layout is so strange? Is it a bug in the layout engine?
> Or must I use the slow romeving/adding algorithm - and if so - why?

Removing/adding is *always* the better choice. And whats so slow with
it? Are you writing a 30 fps megademo? :)

Even an 68k machine should be able to do 30 AddTail(list,node)s in

Greetings, Stefan

From: "Stefan Stuntz" 
Date:   Tue, 12 Mar 1996 11:59:45 +0100
X-Mailer: IntuiNews 1.3b Beta 7 (2.2.96)
Subject: Re: MUIM_Setup/MUIM_Cleanup
Message-Id: <>
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Kai Hofmann wrote in article <>:

> In my .mcc custom class I want to add some gadgets during MUIM_Setup, as I
> found out, they will only be added to the group, if I use
> MUIM_Group_InitChange
> and ExitChange (I thought there is no need for Init and Exit Change, because
> during Setup they group isn't dislayed).
> So I use the following code during MUIM_Cleanup:
>    /*result =*/ get(data->weekdays,MUIA_Group_ChildList,&list);
>    /*result =* / DoMethod(data->weekdays,MUIM_Group_InitChange);*/
>    state = list->lh_Head;
>    child = NextObject(&state);
>    while (child != NULL)
>     {
>      /*result =*/ DoMethod(data->weekdays,OM_REMMEMBER,child);
>      MUI_DisposeObject(child);
>      child = NextObject(&state);
>     }
>    /*result =* / DoMethod(data->weekdays,MUIM_Group_ExitChange);*/
> This code works, but when I enable the Init and ExitChange, the machine will
> crash.
> And reasons why?

InitChange/ExitChange during setup/cleanup is not a good idea. You
should add your childs in MUIM_Setup *before* the DoSuperMethod() and
remove your childs in MUIM_Cleanup *after* the DoSuperMethod().

Greetings, Stefan.

From: "Stefan Stuntz" 
Date:   Mon, 18 Mar 1996 23:24:27 +0100
X-Mailer: IntuiNews 1.3b Beta 7 (2.2.96)
Subject: Re: MonthNvigator.mcc & Enforcer
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Kai Hofmann wrote in article <>:

> But my code is perfectly clean, so I find out that everytime I make a
> MUIM_Group_ExitChange (after a MUIM_Group_InitChange) during a MUIM_Setup
> (after the DoSuperMethod) - every MUIM_Group_ExitChange maks 6 enforcer hits.

If I remember correctly, I told you *not* to use InitChange/ExitChange
in a setup method after DSM and in a cleanup method before DSM.

Greetings, Stefan

From: "Stefan Stuntz" 
Date:   Wed, 13 Mar 1996 13:28:12 +0100
X-Mailer: IntuiNews 1.3b Beta 7 (2.2.96)
Subject: Re: Disabling sliders
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Status: RO

Damon Davies wrote in article <>:

> >Another question about disable groups. Why is it, that each child of a group
> >is first diabled seperatly and the the group ? That makes the disabling of
> >very big groups incredibly slow and uckly looking. Wouldn't it be better
> only
> >to disable the largest area ?
> Actually I would prefer it to only disable the children of the groups,  and
> leave the space between them clean, I think it looks nicer.

One shouldnt disable groups anyway just to disable its children. Better
disable each child for itself, since this will indeed look nicer. You can
do this with one DoMethod, e.g. MUIM_MultiSet or MUIM_SetUData.

Greetings, Stefan

From: "Stefan Stuntz" 
Date:   Tue, 09 Apr 1996 21:02:39 +0100
X-Mailer: IntuiNews 1.3b Beta 7 (2.2.96)
Subject: Re: MUIA_ShowMe
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Thomas Wilhelmi wrote

> unfortunatly I didn't follow the discussion about MUIA_ShowMe
> carefully. Is there a serious bug in MUI with this Attribute?

MUIA_ShowMe currently suxx big deal and I can only suggest
not to use it. Better add/remove your objects dynamically
with ADDMEMBER/REMMEMBER InitChange/ExitChange.

Greetings, Stefan

From: "Stefan Stuntz" 
Date:   Wed, 10 Apr 1996 10:28:59 +0100
X-Mailer: IntuiNews 1.3b Beta 7 (2.2.96)
Subject: Re: Updating an object
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Status: RO

Hans Henrik Happe wrote

> First a little EXAMPLE code (don't try this at home!!!).
> DoMethod(parent, MUIM_Group_InitChange);
>     DoMethod(parent, REMMEMBER, obj);
>     set(obj, MUIA_FixWidth, 100);  // just some changing beyond the object
> borders
>     DoMethod(parent, ADDMEMBER, obj);
> DoMethod(parent, MUIM_Group_ExitChange);
> Is it possible to do this a better way without all that REM'ing and ADD'ing?

Nope, thats the correct way to do it.

Greetings, Stefan

From: "Stefan Stuntz" 
Date:   Wed, 10 Apr 1996 23:27:45 +0100
X-Mailer: IntuiNews 1.3b Beta 7 (2.2.96)
Subject: Re: MUIM_Group_Insert suggestion
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Michal Kracik wrote in article <>:

> I think that it would be very useful to have a MUIM_Group_Insert method
> for inserting a child into a group in specified place, just like
> MUIM_Family_Insert.
> Currently I move the child list from the group to my private family, insert
> the new child into my family with MUIM_Family_Insert and move all children
> from the family to the group again. Is there a better way to do it?

Yes. You can use this:

#define MUIM_Group_Sort 0x80427417 /* V4 */

on groups just like MUIM_Family_Sort on families.

Greetings, Stefan

Subject: Non-GUI Custom groups
To: mui@sunsite.Informatik.RWTH-Aachen.DE
Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 14:56:34 +0200 (MET DST)
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Hi there !

Lately I have used a bit of Tcl/Tk at university, and what struck me as 
somewhat impossible to do in the current MUI release was the way popup 
menus where handled. It is impossible to do a nice popup menu class that 
could be bound to some hotkey or mousebutton and some specific object, 
for example, a listview... Ok, there _are_ context-sensitive menus, but 
you won't have them on the listview if you haven't some patch installed, 
and even then there's still the anoying menu title there, even if it is 
only a single menu.

A bit off-topic: It isn't possible to do anything else than GUI-Elements 
as custom groups. Ok, this might be a bit beyond the scope of MUI, but 
imagine there would be some Network object that could provide an 
object-oriented abstraction from Socket-IO, as well as provide 
notifications and the like...

But I was just thinking away...

Regards, Hans-Joerg.

Subject: Re: Non-GUI Custom groups
To: mui@sunsite.Informatik.RWTH-Aachen.DE
Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 14:57:50 +0200 (MET DST)
In-Reply-To: <> from "Hans-Joerg Frieden" at May 15, 96 02:56:34 pm
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> for example, a listview... Ok, there _are_ context-sensitive menus, but 
> you won't have them on the listview if you haven't some patch installed, 
> and even then there's still the anoying menu title there, even if it is 
> only a single menu.

The next MUI-release will handle context-menus in a different way and
should be exactly how you want it.


Private: (no mail > 16 KB, please!)
University:; olf@IRC

Subject: Re: Non-GUI Custom groups
References: <>
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Content-Length: 583

Hi Hans-Joerg Frieden,

> A bit off-topic: It isn't possible to do anything else than
> GUI-Elements as custom groups. Ok, this might be a bit beyond =
> scope of MUI, but imagine there would be some Network object =
> could provide an object-oriented abstraction from Socket-IO, as
> well as provide notifications and the like...

Um, you can do this fine with MUI, just derive from Notify... =
someone is working on a between-machine method calling mechanism,
I certainly use plain old BOOPSI for all my Streams classes, =
Mutable Strings etc.


Subject: Re: Floating image
References: <>
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Content-Length: 618

Hi (Jean-Michel Bezeau),
> How can I set up a window where I could have floating images
> inside? In fact, I am looking for a way to reproduce the =
> way of dealing with icons. I want ot be able to move images from =
> point to another.

Derive a Group (virtual or otherwise) with it's own custom layout =
and make the objects of that group Draggable; when you get a drop =
re-layout the group (force this using MUIM_Group_InitChange =
followed by
ExitChange) it should actually be relatively simple... (heh!)

Have a look at the Layout example code to get started.


Subject: Re: Floating image
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On 19 May 1996, Jean-Michel Bezeau wrote:

> How can I set up a window where I could have floating images inside?
> In fact, I am looking for a way to reproduce the Workbench way of
> dealing with icons.  I want ot be able to move images from a point to
> another.

Drag&Drop combined with a custom layout-hook should do the trick.

> Is there already an object for doing that?

Not that I know of.
